Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Learning Support (SEND)

 The school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Miss Kirsty Hensleigh. 



I can be contacted via the school office on and I will be happy to help in any way that I can. This page aims to answer questions you may have, but please do contact me if you would like any further information. 

A commitment to a high quality education for all

At Bourn Primary Academy we pride ourselves on our inclusive ethos and our commitment to providing an appropriate and high quality education for our pupils by making learning accessible to all. Supporting children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities is an important aspect of this and is embedded throughout our school. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) have an entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. We believe that each one of us is capable of great things, and some will need more support in achieving these.

Identifying barriers to learning

A pupil is considered to have a Special Educational Need and/or disability if he or she has defined difficulties over and above those generally experienced by the majority of children of the same age. For pupils with identified SEND needs we make many adaptations to our educational provision and the school environment in order for all pupils to be fully included in all aspects of school life. We identify barriers to learning as they arise and provide appropriate support to enable every child to achieve his or her potential. SEND may be an explanation for delayed or slower progress but is not an excuse and we make every effort to narrow the gap in attainment between vulnerable groups of learners and others.

Assessing progress

Children’s progress throughout school is closely monitored through our termly assessment and monitoring procedures so that any special needs that may become apparent are identified. Additional assessments and screening may be used to further explore any potential issues. If a child has Special Educational Needs, it is very important that they get the help they need as soon as possible.  In order to make sure that any special educational needs are picked up early, all pupils are assessed in an informal manner during their first three weeks of school where we look closely at children’s speech, language and communication skills and social and emotional skills. We aim to maintain a balance of ‘watchful waiting’, bearing in mind the age and maturity of children as they enter their first year of school, and being proactive in identifying areas of concern so that support can be provided at the earliest appropriate time.  

Providing support for learning

At Bourn Primary Academy, we have developed a wide range of ways in which we support children with differing special needs or disabilities. Children with special educational needs are taught alongside other children in their class with differentiated lessons designed so that all children in class learn and make progress; this is known as ‘Quality First Teaching’. Additional teachers and/or teaching assistants may provide individually targeted, small-group interventions beyond normal lessons.

External support through specialist teaching services and Educational Healthcare Plans (EHCPs)

If necessary, a child with SEND may be supported with additional support such as 1:1 adult support, independent learning areas and a personalised timetable. Decisions about which support programmes are best for a child are made in consultation with a child’s class teacher and parents, who are invited to contribute to planning. The school may also seek advice from the Educational Psychologist in order to decide on the best approach for individual pupils. Where necessary, we will apply to the local authority for additional support for a child in the form of an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan). Parents can do this too. We work hard to maintain strong links between home and school and parents are always welcome to speak to us if they have any concerns. 

Communication with parents

We work hard to maintain good home/school links. We have regular newsletters with general news about the school. We have parental consultations evenings in the Autumn and Spring term. Parents also receive a mid-year and end of year report about their child’s progress.

For children with special educational needs, we offer extended parental consultations during which we discuss and review their child's progress towards individualised targets on their Learning Plans. We also have additional meetings as necessary. For children with a Statement of SEND or an EHCP, we also have Annual Reviews, to which we invite external professionals. We will arrange these meetings at a mutually convenient time for parents, teachers and other professionals and encourage the child to be involved too, if they wish to do so.  

Local Offer

All local authorities working with their partners must publish information about how children and young people 0 - 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported in their area. This is known as the local offer.  The local offer includes information on:

  • universal services that are available to everyone, such as schools, GPs, (universal services)
  • targeted support and services for children and young people who may need some additional, short term support
  • specialist services for children and young people who have complex needs and need longer term specialised support

For more information on Cambridgeshire's Local Offer, please visit their website.

For more information on SEND at Bourn, please visit our other pages:


SEND Policy Feb23

Key Information Report 2024-25

Key Information Report 2024-25 (short version)

Accessibility Plan June 2021

A commitment to a high quality education for all