Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

The School Day

The following information aims to give an insight into a typical Bourn School day. the school gates open at 8.35am. Morning Registration is at 8.50am and the school day finishes at 3.05pm which in a typical week amounts to 31 hours 15 minutes. 

Arrival at School 

The gates open at 8.35am and children are greeted by the Headteacher on the gate and other members of staff as they walk up to their classrooms. Children are often so happy and keen to come to school they run up the drive as soon as the gates open!

As children enter the school building, they hang their coats and bags on their pegs in the cloakroom and go into the classroom, where the teaching team greets them. They start their ‘early morning work’ quietly, preparing for the day ahead. The register is taken at 8.50am, including lunch choice. Children can change on a daily basis whether they have a school dinner or packed lunch.

The school gate closes at 8.55am. Children arriving after 8.50am are late for the register and will need to go directly to the office to be signed in. 

Collective Worship

All children join together for a whole school Collective Worship in the hall, which is led by an adult and Year 6 Worship Leaders. There is a story, drama or other activity, often based on bible stories or our school values. We sing a song, accompanied by the grand piano, and finish with a prayer

Morning Lessons

Children return to their classrooms for lessons, followed by a morning break.


Morning Playtime

Children go out to play in all weathers (excluding extreme weathers) so they always get fresh air and exercise. Key Stage 1 children have a free piece of fruit and Key Stage 2 children can bring their own healthy snack.


Children return to their classes for the remainder of morning lessons.

Children have a wide range of lessons; as well as maths and English (which includes phonics for younger children, spelling and handwriting), children also have lessons in art, music, history, geography, science, Design Technology (which is taught in week long blocks), computing, Religious Education, PE, Spanish (for Key Stage 2), Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). Children also have regular sessions in the Nature Reserve and tending their own mini allotment bed.


Lunchtime starts at 11.50 for children in Acorn class and they are able to eat in the hall alone for the first part of lunch until children in Year 1 and 2 join them at 12. Children in Year 3 and 4 go into the hall to eat at 12.25pm and children in Year 5 and 6 at 12.50.

 Children sit at tables with tablecloths and dishes of food are taken to the table for them to serve themselves, family style. All children in Year 6 take turns to be Lunch Assistants, and are on hand to help with serving and cutting food for younger children as needed, as well as helping the adults clear and set the tables.

 Children have time to play outside at lunchtime, with the younger children playing on the Key Stage 1 playground and field at the front of the school and key Stage 2 on the field and court at the back.

Afternoon Lessons

Lessons in the afternoons start after children have had 10 minutes quiet reading time. 


Every class ends the day with a 15 minute session where the teacher reads the class story before children get ready to go home at 3.05pm.  

After School and Lunchtime Clubs

There are after school clubs available, including sporting activities for children from Year 1 upwards. There are also lunchtime clubs run by teachers, as we know that some children are not able to stay after school.