School Office
The School Office is fundamental to the running of Bourn Primary – and is a very busy place. Debs will always be willing to help, but if you have a question, please help Debs by first checking the website and re-reading any emails you may have had – the answers are usually there! If you need to contact the school office, you can email or call 01954 719282.
The School Office opening hours are 8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, phone calls may go through to voicemail, although we will endeavour to answer calls outside these hours if possible.
We aim to respond to emails by the next working day.
How to change arrangements for picking up your child
If there are changes to the arrangements for picking up your child, please let the office know as soon as possible in the day. If we are not aware of changes to pick up arrangements, we will not release your child to a person not already on your Handover Form until we have spoken to you directly.
How to keep your contact details up to date
Please ensure that you keep all your details, especially phone numbers up to date via the ‘My Child At School’ app. If we need to contact you in an emergency, we will need the correct details for you.
How to contact the teacher / headteacher
If you need to talk to the headteacher, please contact the School Office, who will arrange a telephone call. You can contact your child’s teacher by emailing the office to arrange a meeting or a call. It is helpful to also email with details of the issue before a phone call.
If you have a query about school events/dates
If you have a query about school events or dates, please also remember to check on this website since we try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
How to make payments to the school
Payments to the school (lunches or trips etc) should be made online by using your My Child At School account.
We are very friendly and approachable and we will do what we can to help you.