Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 10th January 2025

Remembering Mrs. Monks

This week we have been remembering Mrs Monks who, as their first teacher in school, will always hold a special place in our hearts. She helped each child grow, learn and as a class, we will continue to honour her memory in the coming weeks through stories, creative activities, and moments of reflection.

In our collective worship sessions, we shared special memories of her, reflecting on the impact she had on our lives. Through a PSHE lesson at the start of the week, the children reflected on their safety circles (trusted adults they can turn to if they ever need support or someone to talk to).

To help the children process their emotions, we created a class worry box, offering them a safe space to express any concerns they might have. Additionally, we reassured them that adults are always available to talk and listen.

The children were also introduced to a beautiful story called The Invisible String, which explores the theme of death and the enduring connections we share with loved ones. After hearing the story, the children participated in an activity that helped them understand this concept better. As part of the ongoing remembrance of Mrs. Monks, we also invited the children to create special memories on heart-shaped cards. These will be placed on a "Memory Tree" at the front of the school, serving as a lasting tribute.

It’s been a week of reflection, connection, and support for one another, as we remember Mrs. Monks.

What we have been learning this week....


Despite the emotional challenges of this week, the children continue to work and play hard and thrive. Over the past few days, they have been:

Exploring Winter: we’ve been learning about the changes that winter brings and the children have enjoyed exploring ice and frosted leaves in our ‘splash zone’. Smashing the ice was a particularly popular activity! We have also been discussing the weather and learning about animals that hibernate.

Maths: we have recapped the names and properties of some 3D shapes which we talked about before the holidays. I was amazed at how well the children recalled the names and used mathematical language to describe them such as ‘curved surface’ and ‘flat face’.

Handwriting: we have introduced a new handwriting scheme called Kinetic Letters. The children have been building strength in their hands, wrists, shoulders and core to develop their fine and gross motor skills. We enjoyed playing musical statues to introduce the 5 body positions which will help the children do this. They are ‘Bear’, ‘Lizard’, Penguin’, ‘Stone Lion’ and ‘Meercat’. I wonder if your child can remember them!

Personal, Social and Emotional: we have spent some time together thinking about Mrs Latham’s assembly on ‘The Invisible String’. The children reflected carefully on this and drew pictures of people they love and make them feel safe who are always at the end of their invisible strings.


How to support your child at home

We encourage you to talk to your child about loss in a way that is comforting and appropriate to their understanding. If your child is having difficulty coping with the news, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Mrs. Crome and I are ready to support both children and families in any way that we can.

Values: the whole of Acorn class for showing the value of friendship and caring for each other so well during this difficult week. We have seen some lovely examples of friendship.
Effort: Ivana for spending time carefully finishing her invisible strings activity. It was so carefully thought through and you should be incredibly proud of your efforts.

What we will be learning next week...

Maths is all about the number 5! Finding 0-5 objects, recognising 0-5 numerals, 1 more and 1 less and composition.

English is all about Drawing Club. We will be reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ and drawing the tiger in the café. Then we will be sending the tiger on an adventure and writing words and numbers to help him along his way.

We will also be engaging in lots of play inside and outside in our Acorn garden. We have a new Gravel pit and spotted some suspicious looking dinosaur trails. I wonder what adventure this will lead us on next week!

Notices and Reminders

We will be continuing to play outside in all weathers, so please do ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather, including waterproof trousers for those who like to be outside no matter what!

Parents/carers are welcome to our Friday Community Assembly. Please sign in and take a seat in the hall after you have dropped your child off, it is a lovely way to feel part of the school community.


Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 13th December 2024

What we have been learning this week..

We have had a wonderful week in Acorn class, filled with lots of exciting learning and fun activities. Our Nativity performance was a huge success, and we couldn’t be prouder of all the children for their hard work, enthusiasm, and beautiful performances. It was a truly heartwarming occasion. Thank you for your support in making this event so special and we hope you enjoyed seeing your child in action!

Aside from the Nativity, we’ve been busy practising reading and writing tricky words in phonics and are starting to use these in our independent writing. In English the children have enjoyed a special activity inspired by one of their favourite stories:  by Michael Rosen. We read the book together and acted out going on a bear hunt. We then drew a picture of our own bear hunt adventure. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to bring their imagination to life through storytelling and art.

"We're Going on a Bear Hunt"

In Maths, we've been learning about simple 3D shapes and their properties. The children have enjoyed identifying and sorting different shapes around the classroom and using them to create 2D pictures and patterns.                                   


As we near the end of the term, our classroom has been filled with festive cheer! The children have been busy making Christmas cards and decorations, and we're all looking forward to the final week of school before the exciting holiday break.


What we will be learning next week


Next week we will be continuing with Christmas crafts including making Christmas cards for our buddies. We will also be enjoying Christmas lunch with our friends. 


How to support your child at home


They will be exhausted! Please do have a lovely restful weekend to help them to get through the final week. 


We won't be sending any new reading books home today as we have now collected them in for the holidays. Please do however continue to make time to share and enjoy books with your child every day.


Continue to practise the weekly phonemes that have been sent home in previous weeks. 

Please make sure children have a coat with them each day as we go outside in all weathers.
Christmas Dinner is on Wednesday 18th December - children can wear Christmas jumpers
Carol Service and last day of school is Friday 20th December
Please can check that all items that come into school are clearly labelled with your child's name. 
Every Monday the children will choose a story book for you to share together. Your child can change their book every Monday if the current book is returned. 


Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 18th October 2024

What we have been learning this week..

This week we have been learning the phonemes. In Maths we have begun to understand subitising. This is when you recognise and name how many are in a group without needing to count the amount. We have been reading The Colour Monster book and naming, describing and talking about our feelings and emotions.
Activities we enjoyed this week.
We have enjoyed using the phonemes we know to help us to write letters and words. We have enjoyed exploring lots of activities related to The Colour Monster. We have enjoyed sorting and naming colours and making colour pictures.


Read stories and share books daily

Send in your child's plastic wallet into school every day

 Look at the website link below for more information on our phonics scheme

practice the weekly phonemes (sheets in wallets each Friday)

Please help your child to write their name independently. Please only use a capital letter for their first letter then the rest in lower case.
Values: Jenson for following the school rules and routines well.
Effort: Imi for starting each school day with a positive attitude and a cheery smile!! 
Please make sure children have a coat with them each day as we go outside in all weathers.
Please come to the Little Wandle information session at 2pm or 6pm on Wednesday 6th November. The 2pm session includes a visit to Acorn Class to watch and take part in a live lesson.
Please can check that all items that come into school are clearly labelled with your child's name. 
Every Monday the children will choose a story book for you to share together. Your child can change their book every Monday if the current book is returned. 

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 11th October 2024

What we have been learning this week..

This week we have been learning the phonemes  g,o,c,k. In Maths we have been naming, recognising and making pictures with 2d shapes. We have been exploring our COOL activities and our outside area and are loving getting to know our Year 6 buddies.
Activities we enjoyed this week.
We have been making shape pcitures. We have enjoyed using the phonemes we know to sound out and spell words.



Read stories and share books daily

Send in your child's plastic wallet into school every day

 Look at the website link below for more information on our phonics scheme

practice the weekly phonemes (sheets in wallets each Friday)

Please help your child to write their name independently. Please only use a capital letter for their first letter then the rest in lower case.
Values: Jenson for following the school rules and routines well.
Effort: Imi for starting each school day with a positive attitude and a cheery smile!! 
Please make sure children have a coat with them each day as we go outside in all weathers.
Please come to the Little Wandle information session at 2pm or 6pm on Wednesday 6th November. The 2pm session includes a visit to Acorn Class to watch and take part in a live lesson.
Please can check that all items that come into school are clearly labelled with your child's name. 
Every Monday the children will choose a story book for you to share together. Your child can change their book every Monday if the current book is returned. 

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 4th October 2024

What we have been learning this week..

This week we have been practicing the phonemes we learnt last week. We are working on being able to blend sounds together to say a word. 
Activities we enjoyed this week...

 We have been enjoying getting to know our Year 6 buddies. Acorn children have an Year 6 buddy who will help them throughout their first year at school. We have enjoyed making faces with loose parts and exploring our green grass area, climbing and making noise on the music wall.



Read stories and share books daily

Send in your child's plastic wallet into school every day

 Look at the website link below for more information on our phonics scheme
WINNERS OF THE WEEK - Please note these certificates will be given to the children on Monday as they were at the Church today.
Values: Ralph for showing the value of friendship by being kind to everyone!
Effort: Ava for giving her best in everything that she does! Please
I have allocated Tapestry accounts to everyone who returned their permission form. If you have not recieved email notification of this please do let Mrs Monks know.
Our PE lessons with Mr Puckey are on Tuesdays and Friday. Children will need to wear PE kits (black t shirt/black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
Parent/carers are welcome to our Friday community assembly. Please sign in and take a seat in the hall after your child has come into class.
We visit the Nature Reserve every Friday afternoon(weather allowing). Please ensure legs are covered to avoid getting scratched from the trees/bushes. You may like to send in a pair of wellies, in a bag with their name on to be kept in school
Every Monday the children will choose a story book for you to share together. Your child can change their book every Monday if the current book is returned. 

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 27th September 2024

What we have been learning this week..

This week the children been continuing with our phonics learning with Little Wandle. We have learnt i,n,m. We have been counting in order and naming and recognising numerals. We have started joining the whole school in the hall for assembly each morning.  We are doing very well at demonstrating active listening skills. We are doing a great job at lunchtimes in the dining hall.

Activities we enjoyed this week...

We have been enjoying all the activities to help us strengthen our finger and hand muscles. We love dough disco with play dough every day after break and are enjoying on Friday afternoons in the Nature Reserve.


How you can help......

Read stories and share books daily

Send in your child's plastic wallet into school every day

Count items and objects 

Look at the website link below for more information on our phonics scheme


Good manners: The whole class for using manners and following the rules at lunchtime in the dinning hall!

Great effort:  Greta for settling into her first week at school so brilliantly!


If you didn't receive a tapestry form at the welcome meeting they have been sent home are in plastic wallets. Please complete and return asap and I will set up access to your child's account. Thank you
Our PE lessons with Mr Puckey are on Tuesdays and Friday. Children will need to wear PE kits (black t shirt/black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
Parent/carers are welcome to our Friday community assembly. Please sign in and take a seat in the hall after your child has come into class.
We will visit the Nature Reserve every Friday afternoon. Please ensure legs are covered to avoid getting scratched from the trees/bushes. You may like to send in a pair of wellies, in a bag with their name on to be kept in school
Every Monday the children will choose a story book for you to share together. Your child can change their book every Monday if the current book is returned. 

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 20th September 2024

What we have been learning this week..

This week the children have begun attending school all day, every day! We have started our phonics learning with Little Wandle. We have learnt S,A,T,P. We have been practicing counting in order and ordering numbers in a sequence. We have been enjoying exploring our C.O.O.L activities in the classroom and exploring our outside area. We have been playing on the playground at break and lunchtimes.  We have been learning the school rules and routines and are impressing the adults with how quickly we are picking them up!

Activities we enjoyed this week...

We really enjoyed having school lunches.  We have loved having PE sessions with Mr Puckey. 


How you can help......

read stories and share books daily

Send in your child's plastic wallet into school every day

count items and objects 

look at the website link below for more information on our phonics scheme

www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.orgHow you can help......

What we will be learning next week...



We will be starting giving individual certificates once Acorn Class start attending assemblies.

What we will be learning next week...

We will be continuing our phonics lessons with 4 more letters. PE sessions with Mr Pukey will be every week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Children should wear PE kit and trainers to school on those days.  We will visit the book bus on a Wednesday afternoon and explore the Nature Reserve every Friday afternoon.

Your child has been given a plastic wallet which needs to come into school every day. Please check it for letters and information. In it this week is a phonics information sheet, reading log and a story book and an all empty about me bag with instructions on it.
Our PE lessons with Mr Puckey are on Tuesdays and Friday. Children will need to wear PE kits (blue or white t shirt/black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
Please can children bring in a water bottle (water only inside) and a coat each day
Once the children are settled into school life we will visit the Nature Reserve every Friday afternoon.

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 13th September 2024

What we have been learning this week..

Welcome to Acorn Class we have loved getting to know all the children. We have been thrilled and very proud of how well they have settled into school life. This week, we have been settling into our new classroom.  We have been learning our new friends names and exploring our classroom activities and exploring the playground. We have learnt our morning routine and are already getting good at putting our bags and coats on our pegs, choosing our favourite book for story time and putting our water bottles in the classroom.

Activities we enjoyed this week...

We really enjoyed exploring our classroom, outside area and green grass area. We will share photos of us in Acorn Class next week. Thank you to you if you were able to join us for the 'welcome to the year ahead meeting' on Thursday. We hope you found the information and handouts useful.                                                        

How you can help......

read stories and share books daily

point out letters that you see around you and make the initial sound of the word

count items and objects 

look at the website link below for more information on our phonics scheme 


                                                                                          Values award: The whole of Acorn Class

Effort award: The whole  of Acorn Class

What we will be learning next week...

We will be starting our phonics learning next week. We will be learning 4 letters a week. We follow Little Wandle scheme. PE sessions with Mr Pukey will start next week and will be every week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Children should wear PE kit and trainers to school on those days.

Our PE lessons with Mr Puckey are on Tuesdays and Friday. Children will need to wear PE kits (blue or white t shirt/black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
Please can children bring in a water bottle (water only inside) and a coat each day
Once the children are settled into school life we will visit the Nature Reserve every Friday afternoon.

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Acorn - Reception

Date: 19th July 2024

What we have been learning this week..

This week, we have been on our virtual flight to Germany! The children all made passports, which were then checked. They were given their boarding passes and Pilot Mike flew us all the way to Germany where we enjoyed frankfurters! Thank you, Pilot Mike, for such a smooth flight! We enjoyed watching our Year 6 buddies performance. We are very proud of them. 

Activities we enjoyed this week...

We really enjoyed making the cards for our buddies and decorating our t-shirts!



How you can help...

Keep reading with your child over the holidays, revisiting phonics especially tricky words!



There were no certificates this week. 

What we will be learning next week...

 We will be enjoying the start of our summer holidays next week! Thank you all for you support this year. It has been a pleasure teaching your children and guiding them through their first year at school. Wishing you all a lovely, restful break.


  • We say a very fond farewell to Mrs Mackridge, who is moving on to teacher training. We have no doubt that she will be amazing in her new role but we will all miss her very much indeed. We are hoping she will come back and visit us soon!
  • Autumn 1 Term starts on Thursday 5th September.
  • New Reception starters to Acorn Class for September have an individual timetable which they should have received.
  • The children’s plastic wallets have been passed onto Year1 and they will be given back out in September.

You may like to look at the following websites:

For parents | Letters and Sounds (

Bourn CofE Primary Academy - English (Reading and Phonics) (
