Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 13th September 2024

What we have been learning this week...

A warm welcome to everyone for the start of this new school year!

The children have settled back into school well and are adjusting to their new routines and the expectations of year 3.

This week, in Maths, we have started a new unit on place value and we have been looking at different ways of representing number and we have been using different models to partition numbers in different ways. We have also been learning how to place numbers accurately on a number line.

In English, the children have been working on their imaginative writing and they have been rewriting well-known children stories. We have also been working on our handwriting and looking at correct letter formation and how to position our letters on the lines. 

In Science, the children have been learning about rocks; they have learnt about the three main types of rock (metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous) and learnt how they were formed. They have also been investigating the properties of rocks.  

We have also started our 'Just Read' book entitled 'the Last Bear' which the children are enjoying.

Activities we enjoyed this week...

The children got to enjoy some sunshine as they did their PE lesson outside. They had to work as a team to move along the line.



How can you help...

Please support your children with regular reading at home.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can get into a good routine of regular daily reading.

The children also have weekly spellings to practise for their spelling tests on Fridays. Please support your child by practising these words with them.

Each child has a mental maths book to practise their mental arithmetic skills (times tables, halving, doubling etc...). The children should focus and work on one level at a time until they have mastered it and are secure. 

This is the link to our class timetable. Please note that this may change as we progress through the year.


Congratulations to our Values Award Winner this week:

Megan for showing the value of friendship and for being there for others when they need a helping hand.

Congratulations to our Effort Award Winner this week:

Lydia for her conscientious approach to her learning. You show great active listening in lessons and are always proactive in your learning. I am very impressed!

What we will be learning next week...

In Maths, we will be continuing with our unit on Place Value. We will moving into 3 digit numbers and representing numbers to 1000 and learning to partition them in different ways. 

In English we will continue focussing on handwriting and letter positioning and we will be looking at sentence structure and writing sentences that are correctly punctuated. 

In Science we will be learning about fossil formation and in Computing we will set up a class Blog and learn how to post messages to the class on it.

In History, we will continue learning about the Stone Age and the children will draw a comic strip illustrating the way of life in the Stone Age.


 PE lessons take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week. Our new topic for this half term is teamwork and team building.


Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words every Friday. Homework books should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Children will each be given a Mental Maths booklet to practise their mental arithmetic. They should work on one level at a time at home until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 19th July 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week, in Maths, we have been finishing our unit on shape and the children have learnt how to recognise and draw 2D shapes and polygons. They have also learnt how to recognise and make some 3D shapes. In English, we finished our class novel, 'The Five Children and It' and the children watched the final two episodes of the TV adaptation of the story. They have really enjoyed it and it has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and excitement for the story.  In Art, the children finished their building drawings and in Science, they learnt about the lifecycle of a flowering plant.

The children enjoyed their last outdoor session in the nature reserve as a Year 3 class and were also treated to the Year 6s end of year performance, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Activities we enjoyed this week...

We have had a lovely last week and I have really enjoyed teaching the class. Goodbye from Year 3!!




How can you help...

Please continue to support your children with their learning over the summer holidays. It is a long period of time and it can take them a while to get back into their learning in September if they haven't done anything over the summer. Please support them to keep reading regularly and practice maths skills wherever possible. 

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.



There are no certificates this week. 

What we will be learning next week...

Next week we will all be enjoying a well deserved rest! I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful summer holiday and I look forward to seeing the children back next year and ready to move into year 4! Exciting times.



Email (Miss Nutland):

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 12th July 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week, in Maths, we have been continuing with our unit on shape and the children have learnt about different types of lines: horizontal vs vertical and parallel vs perpendicular. They have also learnt how to measure and draw shapes accurately.  In English, we have continued with our story 'The Five Children and It' and the children have enjoyed writing their own chapter describing what wish they would make to the Psammead and how it might go wrong. 

In Art, the children have continued with their building drawings trying hard to replicate the bilateral symmetry. In Geography, we have been looking at how humans have impacted the wonders of the world. We have been learning about climate change and the impact of the melting ice caps. 

In Science, the children will be investigating water transportation in plants and, in PSHE, we will be finishing our unit on 'Changing Me' by looking ahead and the children will be starting to think about the changes they will make next year and how to go about it. 

Activities we enjoyed this week...

As part of our community challenge, we took a trip to Merrybourn day centre on Thursday where the children met the elderly visitors there and chatted and played games with them. We had a really enjoyable afternoon and many of the children asked if we could return again another day.




We finally managed to explore Google Earth on the iPads, which the children really enjoyed. They loved being able to travel across the globe and visit different countries and places that they'd heard of or previously been to. 


How can you help...

Please support your children with learning to tell the time. Thank you!

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can maintain a good routine.


Congratulations to our Manners Award Winner this week:

Marcus for consistently demonstrating a commendable willingness to assist adults, showing both initiative and a positive attitude towards helping others.

Congratulations to our Positive Learning Behaviour Award Winner this week:

Emily C for some great writing in English this week; you worked really hard to create an exciting story.

What we will be learning next week...

In Maths, we will be continuing with our unit on shape and the children will be learning how to recognise and draw 2D shapes and polygons. They will also be learning how to recognise and make some 3D shapes. In English we will finish our class novel the Five Children and It and the children will get to see the final episode of the 1980s TV adaptation of the story. We will look at a wordle from the story and the children will use it to come up with their own interesting questions and answers about the book. In Art, the children will finish their building drawings. In Science, the children will be learning about the lifecycle of a flowering plant.

We will enjoy our last outdoor session in the nature reserve as a year 3 class and the class will also be treated to Year 6s end of year performance, which we are all very much looking forward to!


 PE lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Our new topic for the final half term of Summer is Swimming.

We are in need of some parent helpers to support with swimming this term so if you would like to help please email the office with your availability. Thank you! 

Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words as part of their homework. Homework books will go home every Friday and should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Maths homework: Children should work on one level at a time in their Mental Maths booklet until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):


Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 5th July 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week, in Maths, we started a new unit on shape and the children have been learning about turns and angles. They have learnt how to describe turns in terms of direction and size, how to recognise right angles and how to compare angles. In English, the children finished writing their character descriptions of the Psammead and we have done some more comprehension work on the story so far. In Art, we have been continuing to look at symmetry, this time in some of the most famous buildings in Cambridge and the children have been trying to  draw half the building by recognising and replicating the symmetry in the building. In PSHE we have continued with our unit on 'Changing me' by looking at the changes that happen on the inside of our bodies as they prepare to be able to make babies. On Thursday, the children enjoyed move up morning and spending time with their new class teacher and classroom for next year.

Activities we enjoyed this week...

The children have made a good start with replicating and drawing the symmetry in their buildings.





How can you help...

Please support your children with learning to tell the time. Thank you!

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can maintain a good routine.


Congratulations to our Manners Award Winner this week:

Karisha for showing thoughtfulness towards others and exceptional kindness in her daily interactions.

Congratulations to our Positive Learning Behaviour Award Winner this week:

William B for  demonstrating his keen desire to understand and contribute to our shared knowledge by asking thoughtful and sensible questions.

What we will be learning next week...

In Maths we will be continuing with our unit on shape and the children will be learning about different types of lines: horizontal vs vertical and parallel vs perpendicular. They will also be learning how to measure and draw shapes accurately.  In English, we will be continuing with our story 'The Five Children and It' and the children will be writing their own chapter describing what wish they would make to the Psammead and how it might go wrong. 

In Art the children will continue with their building drawings trying hard to replicate the symmetry.

In PSHE we will be continuing with our unit on 'Changing me' and we will be looking at family stereotypes and sharing and discussing some of the stereotypical ideas some people have. We will be looking at and using the vocabulary: Stereotypes, Task, Roles and Challenge.


 PE lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Our new topic for the final half term of Summer is Swimming.

We are in need of some parent helpers to support with swimming this term so if you would like to help please email the office with your availability. Thank you! 

Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words as part of their homework. Homework books will go home every Friday and should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Maths homework: Children should work on one level at a time in their Mental Maths booklet until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):

Friday 28th June 

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 28th June 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week was assessment week so the children have been completing reading papers in English and arithmetic and reasoning papers in maths. They also completed a big write. They have worked really hard and I am really pleased with the progress they have made. We have also continued with our class novel 'The Five children and It', which the children are really enjoying. We have continued with our PSHE unit on 'Changing Me' and learnt that boys’ and girls’ bodies need to change so that when they grow up their bodies can make babies. As part of this we learnt how boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the outside during this growing up process. We started a new unit in Geography this week looking at how humans have impacted the wonders of the world. Our first lesson was learning about the Mariana trench. We also went on our school trip on Tuesday to Milton Country Park. The children navigated round the park using a map and a compass and really enjoyed finding all the control points along the way. We had a brilliant day in the sunshine and got some time to play at the playground after lunch. They were even treated to an ice lolly! 

Activities we enjoyed this week...

Much fun was had at Milton Country Park on our school trip this week!







How can you help...

Please support your children with learning to tell the time. Thank you!

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can maintain a good routine.


Congratulations to our Manners Award Winner this week:

Imogen C for consistently being well-mannered and always remembering her please and thank yous during daily interactions. 

Congratulations to our Positive Learning Behaviour Award Winner this week:

Ayden for improving his effort in sport this week. Well done. Keep it up!

What we will be learning next week...

In Maths we will be starting a new unit on shape and the children will be learning about turns and angles. They will learn how to recognise right angles and how to compare angles. In English, the children will finish writing their character descriptions of the Psammead and we will do some more comprehension work on the story so far.

In Art we will be looking at symmetry in some of the most famous buildings in Cambridge and the children will be trying to replicate the symmetry by drawing half the building.

In PSHE we will be continuing with our unit on 'Changing me' and we will be looking at the changes that happen on the inside of our bodies as they prepare to be able to make babies. We will be looking at and using the vocabulary: puberty, testicles, sperm, penis, ovaries, egg, ovum/ova, womb/uterus, vagina and breasts.


 PE lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Our new topic for the final half term of Summer is Swimming.

We are in need of some parent helpers to support with swimming this term so if you would like to help please email the office with your availability. Thank you! 

Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words as part of their homework. Homework books will go home every Friday and should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Maths homework: Children should work on one level at a time in their Mental Maths booklet until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):






Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 21st June 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week we have had a jam-packed exciting week with a visit from the circus where the children had the opportunity to learn some exciting circus tricks and skills and we had our sports day on Wednesday too! In English,  we continued with our class novel 'The Five Children and It' and the children wrote a character description of the Psammead. We brainstormed all of his characteristics and the children worked on one sentence at a time, editing as they went, to come up with the most descriptive sentences as they could to best describe him.   In Maths, we continued with our unit on time; we learnt about duration and started some problem solving with time. In Art, we learned about radial symmetry and the children created their own radially symmetrical designs. We continued with our PSHE unit on 'Changing Me' and found out how babies grow and develop in the mother’s uterus and we discussed what a baby needs to live and grow. 

Activities we enjoyed this week...

The children worked hard to finish their D/T mechanisms.




They also really enjoyed their circus workshop this week and practising their circus skills.


How can you help...

Please support your children with learning to tell the time. Thank you!

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can maintain a good routine.


Congratulations to our Manners Award Winner this week:

Felix for being a kind and supportive friend and going out of his way to look out for those around him.

Congratulations to our Positive Learning Behaviour Award Winner this week:

Kayla for showing great resilence during swimming this week and not letting a problem get in the way of her lesson. Well done!

What we will be learning next week...

Next week is assessment week so the children will be completing 2 reading papers in English and 3 maths papers. We will also continue with our class novel 'The Five children and It' and the children will also complete a Big Write. 

We will continue with our PSHE unit on 'Changing Me' and we will be learning that boys’ and girls’ bodies need to change so that when they grow up their bodies can make babies. They will also learn how boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the outside during this growing up process. We will be using the vocabulary breasts, penis and testicles and pubic hair.

We are also going on our school trip on Tuesday to Milton Country Park to do some orienteering which is very exciting indeed! The children will get to practise their compass skills to direct us correctly around the orienteering route.



PE lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Our new topic for the final half term of Summer is Swimming.

We are in need of some parent helpers to support with swimming this term so if you would like to help please email the office with your availability. Thank you! 

Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words as part of their homework. Homework books will go home every Friday and should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Maths homework: Children should work on one level at a time in their Mental Maths booklet until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):


 Friday 14th June


 Friday 14th June

Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 14th June 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week we have been doing our D/T week and the children have been learning about levers and linkages using fixed and loose pivots. They have been constructing a variety of different mechanisms using a combination of different loose and fixed pivots and adding a variety of fun designs to them. Some of the children found it particularly challenging getting the mechanisms to work as they should so they have had to find their resilience to keep going!

In English, we have continued with our class novel 'The Five Children and It' and lots of comprehension and vocabulary work linked to the story which the children are actively participating in, which is lovely to see. We also enjoyed some 'popcorn' reading of one of the chapters and we talked about intonation and expression in reading. In Maths, we have continued learning about time by learning about years, months, days and hours, and start and end times and learning how to work our durations.

We started our new PSHE unit this week entitled 'Changing Me' where we celebrated everyone's uniqueness and learnt how lots of changes happen from birth to fully grown, and that in mammals it is the female who has the baby.

Activities we enjoyed this week...

 The children really enjoyed starting their swimming lessons this week and fortunately we missed the rain!


They also enjoyed doing some orienteering around the school field and practising using the compasses.



How can you help...

Please support your children with learning to tell the time. Thank you!

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can maintain a good routine.


Congratulations to our Manners Award Winner this week:

Raff for being polite and respectful when asking questions to staff.

Congratulations to our Positive Learning Behaviour Award Winner this week:

Isla for showing brilliant resilience in D/T this week as she worked with real determination and independence to get her mechanism to work.

What we will be learning next week...

Next week we have an exciting week with a visit from the circus at the start of the week where the children will get the opportunity to enjoy a show and then take part in an active workshop where they will get to learn some exciting circus tricks and skills. On Wednesday next week we will enjoy Sports day!

In English we will continue with our class novel 'The Five Children and It' and the children will be writing their own chapter for the story and coming up with a wish they would make to the Psammead and what might go wrong with it. 

In Maths, we will be continuing with our unit on time and we will be learning about minutes and seconds, units of time and starting some problem solving with time. In Art, we will be looking at radial symmetry and the children will be creating their own radially symmetrical designs.

We will continue with our PSHE unit on 'Changing Me' and we will be  learning how babies grow and develop in the mother’s uterus and appreciating what a baby needs to live and grow. They will learn the words womb and uterus.



PE lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Our new topic for the final half term of Summer is Swimming.

We are in need of some parent helpers to support with swimming this term so if you would like to help please email the office with your availability. Thank you! 

Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words as part of their homework. Homework books will go home every Friday and should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Maths homework: Children should work on one level at a time in their Mental Maths booklet until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):



Bourn Church of England Primary Academy

Cedar Class - Year 3

Date: 7th June 2024

What we have been learning this week...

This week in Maths we have been continuing with time and the children have been learning about the meaning of a.m and p.m and learning to convert between analogue time and digital time.  We have also learnt about days, months and years. In English, we have started our new novel 'The Five Children and It' and we have been doing some comprehension and vocabulary work linked to the story. The children thoroughly enjoyed seeing the story and characters come to life in an episode of the original !990 TV series of the book.  In Science, we have been looking at what plants need to grow and we have been planning an investigation to test this.

The children also enjoyed getting back to the Nature Reserve this week and enjoyed some sunshine as they explored and adventured with year 4.

Activities we enjoyed this week...

 The children really enjoyed the Nature reserve this week and the sunshine!




How can you help...

Please support your children with learning to tell the time. Thank you!

Please click this link for more information on how to support your child learning their times tables using TTRockstars. Times Tables Rock Stars ( Another good website for practising Times Tables and mental arithmetic is Hit the Button.

Reading is the most important thing to learn in school. All children should be bringing reading books home to read. The aim is for the children to do at least 30 minutes of reading each day at home so please support them with this and encourage them to bring their books home if they forget them so that they can maintain a good routine.


Congratulations to our Manners Award Winner this week:

Iris for showing kindness and friendship to her classmates. 

Congratulations to our Positive Learning Behaviour Award Winner this week:

Theo F for giving his best efforts and concentration to learn how to read analogue time.

What we will be learning next week...

Next week we will be doing D/T week. The children will be learning about levers and linkages using fixed and loose pivots. They will be constructing a variety of different mechanisms and testing them out to see if they can get them to work. Then they will be designing and contructing their own mechanisms using their choice of linkages and then evaluating them to see if they worked and did what they were supposed to!

In English we will continue with our class novel 'The Five Children and It' and lots of vocabulary work related to the story and in Maths we will continue learning about time by learning about start and end times and learning how to work our durations.

We will also be starting a new PSHE unit next week entitled 'Changing Me' where the children will be learning about their changing bodies as they grow. Our PSHE lesson will be on Friday and next week we will be learning about how babies grow and celebrating that everyone is unique and special.



PE lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Our new topic for the final half term of Summer is Swimming.

We are in need of some parent helpers to support with swimming this term so if you would like to help please email the office with your availability. Thank you! 

Children will have a spelling test each Friday. They will bring home their spelling words as part of their homework. Homework books will go home every Friday and should be brought back into school on a Wednesday.

Maths homework: Children should work on one level at a time in their Mental Maths booklet until they have mastered it. They will be tested weekly in school before moving on to the next level. 

Email (Miss Nutland):